Are you ready for the winter series?

You can keep up the excitement of eventing throughout the winter with the winter series. This fun competition comprises of two opportunities – Arena Eventing, which combines show jumping and cross country fences on a surface, and Harry Hall One Club ACE – Anyone Can Event, an Arena style eventing competition designed to appeal to riders of all ages and experience. Both these competition formats are open to members and non-members of BE.

10 months ago

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Show jumping exercises for event horses

British Showjumping coach Mandy Frost shares some show jumping exercises to help you secure that clear round next season.

11 months ago

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Dealing with pressure

Pressure is that beast we’ve all had to grapple with at a competition in one form or another, we take a look at how pressure impacts ua all differently and some advice on how to deal with it.

11 months ago

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Can horses feel what we feel?

As flight animals, horses are very responsive to human body language, so how does this impact performance, and how can we manage our emotions?

12 months ago

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Cross country cooling in cold weather

As the temperatures start to drop, Dr David Marlin advises how to manage hot horses in the colder weather.

almost 4 years ago

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Rider reactions

Often, one result of spending more hours in the saddle is being better equipped to take action as soon as you feel things aren’t going quite to plan. These quick reactions can be the difference between finishing on your dressage score and finishing in the dirt.

almost 4 years ago

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