Meet the trainer

Katie Williams is a highly experienced BECC Level 4 Eventing coach and in 2021 graduated as an MSc in Professional Sports Coaching with Distinction. She is a graduate of the flagship BEF Youth Pathway Coaching Programme and the Centre10 Applied Psychology for Equestrian Coaches Advanced Programme.

Katie is a BE Regional Youth Coach for Wales and West Midlands and, having been one of the original architects of The Howden Way Regional Academy training scheme, is a The Howden Way coach. 

Katie has clients competing successfully at every level from grassroots to 4*, including Junior, Young Rider and Pony selection trials and National championships, BE Regional Youth championships and Badminton Grassroots Championships. 

Passionate about promoting rider responsibility and understanding, her training puts riders in charge of their own performance and teaches them a consistent, logical system to work within, developing confidence in both horse and rider. 

Follow her serialised training course on the British Eventing Life website.